Monday, July 16, 2012

16 x 16 Oil
Old Soul
Copyright R. Wellner

This painting seems an appropriate beginning to a blog titled Painting, Dogs, Aging.  For obvious reasons!  I love painting.  Not that I don't get frustrated.  Today I did one of those common things we try when something looks wrong...turned my painting and my reference material upside down.  It didn't help!  One of those paintings that is really challenging me.  Part of the issue is that the dog I am currently painting has paralyzation on one side of his face -- so he doesn't look "normal".  Sometimes it so hard to really paint what you see-- not what you construct in your mind!!!

Oh Yeah -- the aging part --- I turned 60 this year.  Brings up lots of thoughts about where I'd hoped to be by now.  And all those sayings about time passing so fast, etc. are my life!  Challenging but good.  Thanks for viewing my blog!!

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